Everything just comes together. The "perfect" combination of of all the essential elements. What was done without the hope of any real level of success catches on. Quintessential example of "lightning in a bottle." Even it's flaws come to be viewed by fans as perfect moments. It's value grows beyond what it might be truly worth, but that is almost impossible to judge objectively.
"The Original"
The success of the first "inspires" the second. Now with more resources, everything that you wanted to accomplish can easily be done. Nobody is telling you the one thing you might need to hear. The look has changed to what you thought you wanted, but in the process you lose what you actually had. Experimental techniques, not inspired out of need as they once were, are overused. Greater exposure leads to greater "success" but the cost is high.
"The Sequel"
You go back to where you started. You rehire the original producer and collaborators and apologize for the things you said. An attempt to "recreate the magic" is made. The look of the original is brought back, but something is missing. All the components that made the original so great are present, but the results are similar to an unbaked cake. Apologists are all that need apply, so hoping to recapture that moment in their life that they experienced when they first watched "The Original". It doesn't happen. The bitter taste that the sequel left in your mouth only grows worse.
"The Third"
Why do I continue to support sequels? I realize that all are not as bad as I have stated above, but wouldn't everyone involved be better off by supporting new ideas. Why do we anyways cling to safe. I am sure I will review and enjoy many more sequels in the future, but wouldn't it be great if we supported an artist's next project like we did the unworthy sequel.
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